Train rides and a forgotten bag

Heading somewhere. Berlin,  maybe. Dropped by to see a friend first before heading off. Bought some chips. Saw the time, my train is there, waiting at the platform. Got in the train and it started to leave…slowly. The doors were still open. Got off the train because I realised I forgot my bag — all I have with me are my chips, phone and a dress. Went to get my bag and told my friend about it. Weird. 


The train symbolizes your power in life, much like your control over others and this dream can be an indication of how you approach situations. It is important to actually try to remember the details in the dream. If you can see passengers on the train then the dream was focused on your own power in a financial sense. It means you feel that you are being pulled and pushed in different directions.

Train stations always include platforms. Perhaps you saw the entire platform during the dream, or even the platform was lit or certain parts of the station. If you dream the train was already waiting at the platform concerned at its time of departure this dream means that you may feel that your desire in the process of becoming who you wish is manifesting.

To see yourself board the train is connected to taking the responsibility for where you allow your mind to dwell. Are you ready for the journey ahead? It is also assigned to challenge your negative thoughts instead of letting them run on autopilot. Think about the train as a movement of your life goes wrong and that getting on and off a train means that you are moving towards a much better place. There is something that you need to know, you can make your life so much more different, so much more inspiring and challenging if you just change your mindset in order to do so. This dream is encouraging you to clear out the attic that you have in your mind and throw away the clutter. Getting on a train means a new phase is coming and that it is not a time to feel anxious, worthless, or even afraid. (Source)

Dreaming about forgetting your bag implies that you are going to reconnect with an old friend. You will be starting a new relationship with someone you haven’t seen in a very long time. You might run into this person randomly on the street, in a restaurant or at work. Dreaming about forgetting your bag signifies that you will both be excited to come across each other. He or she is someone you have had a wonderful time with and has meant a lot to you. You have gone separate way without really realising it. This reconnection is a wonderful thing for you.

Dreaming about forgetting your bag signifies that one of your exes will be seeking to reconcile with you. This person will try to win you back by any ways required. It may not be obvious at first, but over time, he or she will find a way back in your life. If you are in a relationship, dreaming about forgetting your bag signifies that you must be careful not to destroy everything. Better to clearly tell your ex to keep distance. (Source)


Solo Travel: Bratislava, SLovakia


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